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Founded in 1993, the CERGE-EI Foundation is one of the leading supporters of education in modern economics in the former communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the southern Caucasus and Central Asia. We are dedicated to both training future economic leaders at an advanced level, and to promoting basic economic literacy in society at large, as stipulated in our mission and goals:




The CERGE-EI U.S. Foundation supports our founding partner CERGE-EI (Czech Republic) in promoting modern economic research, education and literacy. Our primary regional focus is Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. We also collaborate with other educational and research institutions, philanthropic entities and supranational organizations in this mission.



Seated in the broader New York area, the Foundation is a legally registered US IRS 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Details regarding our tax status and financial data are available in section Financials as well as through The Foundation is overseen by an engaged and active Board of Directors. 




The Foundation is making a difference in its target region: It is one of the key supporters of CERGE-EI, which offers what is likely the most significant Ph.D. program in economics in the region. The Teaching Fellows Program managed by the Foundation has unprecedented reach of undergraduates. Some of the key numbers:


 Our Goals


  • To promote the western ideals of free and open inquiry and nondiscriminatory education.


  • To educate economists for government, academia, and industry in countries where such skills are critically lacking.


  • To promote research in theoretical and applied policy-related economics, especially with respect to the transition from communism to free markets.


700 +

students have graduated from the CERGE-EI Ph.D. and M.A. programs to date.


countries where we offer courses through the Teaching Fellows Program.

70% +

of graduates remain in region, in direct support of our mission to reduce brain drain.


universities where Teaching Fellows teach their economics courses.

278,000 +

undergraduate students in the region have received top education by Teaching Fellows.

250 +

participants in the Faculty Development courses across the region.

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